Brief Interviews with Hideous Men is a critically acclaimed short story collection by the late American writer David Foster Wallace, first published in 1999 by Little, Brown. According to the papers in the David Foster Wallace Archive at the Harry Ransom Center, University of Texas at Austin, the book has an estimated net sales of 17,500 hardcover copies during the first year of its publication making it a literary fiction bestseller.
О Тейлор Brief Interviews with Hideous Men
A woman who was recently dumped by her boyfriend interviews men with the hope of finding out about men's psychology when it comes to relationships. She ends up finding out more about herself.
Достижении Brief Interviews with Hideous Men
The film is based on the book of the same name by Давид Фостер Щаллаце. It was directed by Йохн Красински.
Топ-факты о Brief Interviews with Hideous Men, которые вы не знали
Short story collections by David Foster Wallace.. Metafictional works.. Books adapted into films.
Последняя информация о Brief Interviews with Hideous Men обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.