Trouble is a 2019 computer-animated comedy family film directed by Kevin Johnson starring Sean "Big Sean" Anderson, Pamela Adlon, and Lucy Hale. It was dedicated in memory of executive producer Conrad Vernon's dog, Linus, who died in 2017. Netflix acquired distribution rights to the film, under the title Dog Gone Trouble, and was released on May 28, 2021 on the streaming service.
Директор | Kevin Johnson |
Produced by | John H. Williams, Danielle Sterling |
Screenplay by | Rob Muir, John Paul Murphy, Harland Williams |
Starring | Sean "Big Sean" Andersen, Pamela Adlon, Lucy Hale |
Music | Jessica Weiss |
Edited by | Judith Allen, Rob Neal, Kevin Pavlovic |
Distributed by | 3QU Media, Vanguard Animation, WV Enterprises, Cinesite Studios, Lionsgate (USA) |
Released | August 8, 2019 (Thailand), May 28, 2021 (United States) |
Running time | 87 minutes |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
Box office | $10,798,635 |
О Тейлор Dog Gone Trouble
Computer-animated family comedy about a dog named Trouble who leaves behind his pampered lifestyle while fleeing from his owner's children. The film was directed by Kevin Johnson.
Достижении Dog Gone Trouble
The movie's screenplay was penned by Rob Muir, John Paul Murphy, and Harland Williams.
Топ-факты о Dog Gone Trouble, которые вы не знали
Films featuring pets.. Animated buddy films.. American computer-animated films.. Animated films about dogs.. American children's animated films.. Animated comedy films.. American buddy films.
Последняя информация о Dog Gone Trouble обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.