Double Dad

Double Dad is a 2021 Brazilian comedy-drama film directed by Cris D'Amato, written by Renato Fagundes and Thalita Rebouças and starring Maisa Silva, Eduardo Moscovis and Marcelo Médici.

Директор Cris D'Amato
Writer(s) Renato Fagundes, Thalita Rebouças
Starring Maisa Silva, Eduardo Moscovis, Marcelo Médici
Distributed by Netflix
Released January 15, 2021
Running time 103 minutes
Country Brazilian
Language Portuguese
Netflix ID 81175170

О Тейлор Double Dad

A young woman who spent the majority of her life living on a commune with her mother takes off for the real world in search of her father. The film was directed by Cris D'Amato, and had a screenplay written by Thalita Rebouças.

Достижении Double Dad

The movie's original Portuguese title is Um Pai no Meio do Caminho. It was produced by A Fabrica.  

Топ-факты о Double Dad, которые вы не знали

Brazilian comedy-drama films.. Portuguese-language films.

Последняя информация о Double Dad обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.