О Тейлор Factory Girl

The film follows wealthy debutante Едие Седгщицк who becomes Анды Щархол's muse in the mid-1960s and soon has an affair with a charismatic folk singer.

Достижении Factory Girl

The movie was filmed in New York City, Toronto, Connecticut, and Louisiana. Боб Дылан attempted to sue the film as well as Sony Pictures and filed a lawsuit against the film.

Топ-факты о Factory Girl, которые вы не знали

Factory Girl (2006 film) A 2006 American biographical film directed by George Hickenlooper.. The Match Factory Girl A 1990 Finnish-Swedish film edited, written, co-produced, and directed by Aki Kaurismäki, the.... Factory Girl (Rails Testing) A software library for the Ruby programming language that provides factory methods to create test...

Последняя информация о Factory Girl обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.