Fifty Shades Darker is a 2012 erotic romance novel by British author E. L. James. It is the second installment in the Fifty Shades trilogy that traces the deepening relationship between a college graduate, Anastasia Steele, and a young business magnate, Christian Grey. The first and third volumes, Fifty Shades of Grey and Fifty Shades Freed, were published in 2011 and 2012, respectively. The novel is published by Vintage Books and reached No. 1 on the USA Today best seller list.

Author E. L. James
Series Fifty Shades trilogy
Published 17 April 2012 (Vintage Books)
Preceded by Fifty Shades of Grey
Followed by Fifty Shades Freed

О Тейлор Fifty Shades Darker

Second installment in the erotic, romantic, drama Fifty Shades franchise which sees Дакота Йохнсон's Anastasia Steele confronting the inner turmoils of her partner Christian Grey (Йамие Дорнан).

Достижении Fifty Shades Darker

The theme song of the film was performed by Заын Малик and Таылор Сщифт and titled "I Don't Wanna Live Forever." Халсеы also had a song on the soundtrack called "Not Afraid Anymore."

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Последняя информация о Fifty Shades Darker обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.