О Тейлор From Russia With Love

2nd installation in the James Bond film franchise based on Иан Флеминг's novel of the same name which sends Сеан Цоннеры's 007 undercover in order to retrieve a Soviet encryption device stolen by SPECTRE.

Достижении From Russia With Love

Десмонд Ллещелын debuted in the role of Q, a part he would play for 36 years until Тхе Щорлд Ис Нот Еноугх.

Топ-факты о From Russia With Love, которые вы не знали

From Russia with Love (film) A 1963 spy film and the second in the James Bond series produced by Eon Productions, as well as.... From Russia, with Love (novel) The fifth novel by the English author Ian Fleming to feature his fictional British Secret Service.... From Russia with Love (video game) A third-person shooter video game developed by EA Redwood Shores and published by Electronic Arts.... From Russia with Love (soundtrack) The soundtrack for the second James Bond film of the same name.. From Russia with Love (Tori Amos album) An exclusive live album released by singer-songwriter Tori Amos in 2010.. From Russia with Love (Cold War album) The first album by metalcore band, Cold War.. Anastasia Dobromyslova A professional darts player.

Последняя информация о From Russia With Love обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.