
Godmothered is a 2020 American fantasy comedy film directed by Sharon Maguire, written by Kari Granlund and Melissa Stack and starring Jillian Bell and Isla Fisher. The Walt Disney Company first began developing it in September 2019, with Maguire joining the production as director later that month. Principal photography began in January 2020 in Boston. Produced by Walt Disney Pictures and Secret Machine Entertainment, it was released on Disney+ on December 4, 2020. The film received mixed reviews from critics.

Директор Sharon Maguire
Produced by Justin Springer
Screenplay by Kari Granlund, Melissa Stack
Story by Kari Granlund
Starring Isla Fisher, Jillian Bell
Music Rachel Portman
Cinematography Christopher Norr
Edited by Gary Dollner
Production, company Walt Disney Pictures, Secret Machine Entertainment
Distributed by Disney+
Released December 4, 2020 (United States)
Running time 113 minutes
Country United States
Language English

О Тейлор Godmothered

In the magical realm called The Motherland, a fairy godmother-in-training comes to the realization that her chosen profession is dying out. She then embarks on a journey to prove that fairy godmothers are still needed. The film was directed by Sharon Maguire.

Достижении Godmothered

Production on the film began in early 2020 under the working title Frills. Music for the film was composed and produced by Рацхел Портман

Топ-факты о Godmothered, которые вы не знали

Films directed by Sharon Maguire.. Films about fairies and sprites.. Films set in Boston.. American fantasy-comedy films.. Walt Disney Pictures films.

Последняя информация о Godmothered обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.