How to Get Over a Breakup

How to Get Over a Breakup is a 2018 Peruvian comedy film directed by Bruno Ascenzo and Joanna Lombardi and written by Samuel Stewart Hunter and María José Osorio.

Директор Bruno Ascenzo, Joanna Lombardi
Writer(s) María José Osorio
Starring Gisela Ponce de León, Karina Jordán, Christopher Von Uckermann
Distributed by Netflix
Released May 31, 2018
Running time 104 minutes
Country Peru
Language Spanish
Netflix ID 81020005

О Тейлор How to Get Over a Breakup

A writer attempts to get over a messy breakup by launching a blog about the highs and lows of living as a single woman. The film was directed by Joanna Lombardi and Бруно Асцензо.

Достижении How to Get Over a Breakup

The screenplay was written by María José Osorio. The film's origin country is Peru.

Топ-факты о How to Get Over a Breakup, которые вы не знали

Peruvian films.

Последняя информация о How to Get Over a Breakup обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.