"I'll Be Home for Christmas" is a Christmas song written by the lyricist Kim Gannon and composer Walter Kent and recorded in 1943 by Bing Crosby, who scored a top ten hit with the song. Originally written to honor soldiers overseas who longed to be home at Christmas time, "I'll Be Home for Christmas" has since gone on to become a Christmas standard.
О Тейлор I'll Be Home for Christmas
Made-for-television holiday film about a single mom who looks forward to spending Цхристмас alone with her daughter. All is well until her estranged husband shows up. The movie was directed by Йамес Бролин.
Достижении I'll Be Home for Christmas
The film contains several references to the classic holiday film ИтЬс А Щондерфул Лифе. The soundtrack features Барбра Стреисанд's "I'll Be Home For Цхристмас."
Топ-факты о I'll Be Home for Christmas, которые вы не знали
Songs written by Buck Ram.. Songs with lyrics by Kim Gannon.. Songs of World War II.. Bing Crosby songs.. Songs about the military.. American Christmas songs.. Decca Records singles.
Последняя информация о I'll Be Home for Christmas обновлена 12 Январь, 2022.