О Тейлор Lucas

A socially inept 14-year-old experiences his first heartbreak when he watches his two best friends fall in love with each other. The movie was written and directed by Давид Селтзер.

Достижении Lucas

The film marked the theatrical debut for Цоуртнеы Тхорне-Смитх and Щинона РыдерЦореы Хаим and Керри Греен each earned a Young Artist Award nomination.

Топ-факты о Lucas, которые вы не знали

Lucasfilm Lucasfilm Ltd. LLC is an American film and television production company that is a subsidiary of.... Lucas (film) A 1986 American romantic comedy-drama film written and directed by David Seltzer and starring.... Lucas Oil Stadium A multi-purpose stadium in Downtown Indianapolis, Indiana, United States.

Последняя информация о Lucas обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.