О Тейлор Moonwalkers
British crime comedy film that sees an unhinged CIA operative band together with a rock band manager to stage a con around the televised moon landing. The film was directed by Antoine Bardou-Jacquet.
Достижении Moonwalkers
The film's screenplay was penned by Dean Craig. Filming began in May of 2014.
Топ-факты о Moonwalkers, которые вы не знали
Moonwalkers (film) A 2015 French comedy film directed by debut director Antoine Bardou-Jacquet, written by Dean.... Moonwalkers (fandom) Fans of American singer Michael Jackson are known as Moonwalkers.. List of Apollo astronauts are sometimes known as"moon walkers".
Последняя информация о Moonwalkers обновлена 03 Январь, 2023.