О Тейлор Mute

British-German sci-fi mystery about a mute bartender looking to find out about his missing partner by going up against the city's gangsters.

Достижении Mute

Director Дунцан Йонес described the film as a "spiritual sequel" to his own 2009 Moon. Netflix distributed the film.

Топ-факты о Mute, которые вы не знали

Muteness Muteness or mutism is defined as an absence of speech while conserving or maintaining the.... Mute Records Mute Records Ltd. is a British independent record label owned and founded in 1978 by Daniel Miller.. Mute (music) A device attached to a musical instrument which changes the instrument's tone, lowers its volume...

Последняя информация о Mute обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.