One Night in Miami is the debut play written by Kemp Powers, first performed in 2013. It is a fictional account of the real night of February 25, 1964. It pinpoints a pivotal moment in the lives of four, still nascent, Black American icons whose potential, thoughts and actions play out in the 90-minute, one-act play. The four characters are 22-year-old, newly crowned world boxing champion Cassius Clay as he transforms into Muhammad Ali, iconic Nation of Islam leader Malcolm X, influential singer-songwriter and record producer Sam Cooke, and star NFL running back Jim Brown. The men, friends in real life, celebrate Clay's surprise title win over Sonny Liston at the Hampton House in Miami, watched over by Nation of Islam security.

О Тейлор One Night in Miami

Fictional retelling of a night in February of 1964 when African American leaders Мухаммад АлиМалцолм ХСам Цооке, and Йим Брощн gathered to discuss their responsibility to the Civil Rights Movement. The film was directed by Регина Кинг.

Достижении One Night in Miami

Filming took place in and around New Orleans, Louisiana. Actor Леслие Одом Йр., who plays Сам Цооке in the film, co-wrote the song "Speak Now" for the picture. 

Топ-факты о One Night in Miami, которые вы не знали

Mr. Rickey Calls a Meeting – play by Edward Schmidt.. African-American plays.. American plays adapted into films.

Последняя информация о One Night in Miami обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.