Percy is a 2020 American-Canadian-Indian biographical drama film, directed by Clark Johnson from a screenplay by Garfield Lindsay Miller and Hilary Pryor. It stars Christopher Walken, Christina Ricci, Zach Braff, Luke Kirby, Adam Beach, Martin Donovan, Roberta Maxwell and Peter Stebbings. The film follows 70-year-old small-town Saskatchewan farmer, Percy Schmeiser, who takes on a giant corporation after their GMOs interfere with his crops. The film premiered at the 2020 Quebec City Film Festival and it was theatrically released in Canada by Mongrel Media on October 9, 2020.
Директор | Clark Johnson |
Produced by | Daniel Bekerman, Ethan Lazar, Ian Dimerman, Garfield Lindsay Miller, Hilary Pryor, Brendon Sawatzky |
Writer(s) | Garfield Lindsay Miller, Hilary Pyror |
Starring | Christopher Walken, Christina Ricci, Zach Braff, Luke Kirby, Adam Beach, Martin Donovan, Roberta Maxwell, Peter Stebbings |
Music | Steven MacKinnon |
Cinematography | Luc Montpellier |
Edited by | Susan Maggi, Geoff Ashenhurst, Maureen Grant |
Distributed by | Mongrel Media |
Released | September 16, 2020 (Quebec City Film Festival), October 09, 2020 (Canada) |
Running time | 120 minutes |
Country | United States, Canada, India |
Language | English |
О Тейлор Percy Vs Goliath
A canola farmer gets sued by a corporate giant for allegedly using their patented seeds. He joins forces with an up-and-coming attorney and an environmental activist for a legal battle that leads all the way to the Supreme Court.
Достижении Percy Vs Goliath
The film is based on the true story of Canadian farmer Percy Schmeiser, who won a lawsuit filed by Monsanto.
Топ-факты о Percy Vs Goliath, которые вы не знали
Films set in Saskatchewan.. Films shot in Winnipeg.
Последняя информация о Percy Vs Goliath обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.