Senior Skip Day

Skip Day is a tradition in American schools where students in the senior class skip school. It is commonly held the Monday following Senior Prom or another large event. Often times, students will gather at an alternate location during skip day.

О Тейлор Senior Skip Day

A group of senior only have two thing on their minds: skipping school and throwing a crazy rager party. These kids have the chance to have the party of a lifetime, that is of course, if the party doesn't get shutdown.

Достижении Senior Skip Day

This film first premiered in May 2008. The movie was filmed across the Los Angeles, California area. 

Топ-факты о Senior Skip Day, которые вы не знали

Unofficial observances.. June observances.. April observances.

Последняя информация о Senior Skip Day обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.