Silenced image

Silenced (Silenced)

Running Time
125 Minutes
22 September, 2011

О Тейлор Silenced

South Korean crime drama that tells the true story of a school for hearing impaired students. It is later exposed that the school's faculty sexually assaulted the student body. The film was directed by Хщанг Донг-Хыук.

Достижении Silenced

The movie is based on the book The Crucible. The movie won several 32nd Blue Dragon Film Awards in 2011. 

Топ-факты о Silenced, которые вы не знали

Silenced (film) A 2011 South Korean drama film based on the novel The Crucible by Gong Ji-young, starring Gong...

Последняя информация о Silenced обновлена 16 Февраль, 2023.