
Sneakerella is an upcoming American musical comedy film directed by Elizabeth Allen Rosenbaum and written by David Light & Joseph Raso, Tamara Chestna, Mindy Stern, and George Gore II. A re-imagining of the fairy tale "Cinderella", the film will star Chosen Jacobs and Lexi Underwood. Produced by Disney Channel and Jane Startz Productions, the film will be released on Disney+ on February 18, 2022.

Директор Elizabeth Allen Rosenbaum
Writer(s) David Light & Joseph Raso, Tamara Chestna, Mindy Stern, George Gore II
Starring Chosen Jacobs, Lexi Underwood
Production, company Disney Channel, Jane Startz Productions
Distributed by Disney+, Disney Platform Distribution
Released February 18, 2022
Country United States
Language English

О Тейлор Sneakerella

Musical comedy acting as a contemporary re-imagining of Щалт Диснеы's animated classic Циндерелла. In the film an aspiring sneaker designer falls madly in love with the daughter of a basketball star and sneaker mogul. The film was directed by Elizabeth Allen Rosenbaum.

Достижении Sneakerella

Principle photography of the project was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Топ-факты о Sneakerella, которые вы не знали

Films based on Charles Perrault's Cinderella.. Films about wish fulfillment.. American romantic fantasy films.. Films shot in Toronto.

Последняя информация о Sneakerella обновлена 18 Ноябрь, 2021.