The Danish Girl

The Danish Girl is a novel by American writer David Ebershoff, published in 2000 by the Viking Press in the United States and Allen & Unwin in Australia.

Author David Ebershoff
Publisher Allen & Unwin (Australia), Viking Press (USA)
Followed by Pasadena

О Тейлор The Danish Girl

Romantic drama from Том Хоопер loosely inspired by the lives of Danish painters of Лили Елбе and Gerda Wegener. It is based on the 2000 fictional novel of the same name by David Ebershoff.

Достижении The Danish Girl

Алициа Викандер won an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress while her partner in the film, Еддие Редмаыне, was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actor.

Топ-факты о The Danish Girl, которые вы не знали

Novels set in Copenhagen.. Lambda Literary Award-winning works.. Allen & Unwin books.. American LGBT novels.

Последняя информация о The Danish Girl обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.