О Тейлор The Host

A girl fights against an unseen enemy that takes over people's bodies and erases their memories. The film is an adaptation of Степхение Меыер's novel of the same name.

Достижении The Host

Author, Степхение Меыер, produced the movie. Andrew Niccol wrote the screenplay and directed the film.

Топ-факты о The Host, которые вы не знали

The Host (2013 film) A 2013 American romantic science fiction thriller film adapted from Stephenie Meyer's 2008.... The Host (2006 film) A 2006 South Korean monster film directed by Bong Joon-ho and starring Song Kang-ho, Byun.... The Host (novel) A science fiction romance novel by Stephenie Meyer.

Последняя информация о The Host обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.