О Тейлор BB-8
White and orange spherical droid known for his allegiance to Resistance pilot Пое Дамерон (Осцар Исаац). It is a free-moving droid made up by a rod puppet and a remote-controlled robotic unit.
Достижении BB-8
The character made its debut in the 2015 film Тхе Форце Ащакенс. It would continue to be featured in Тхе Ласт Йеди and Тхе Рисе Оф Скыщалкер.
Топ-факты о BB-8, которые вы не знали
BB-8 A droid character in the Star Wars franchise, first appearing in the 2015 film Star Wars: The.... Black Brant 8 A Canadian sounding rocket.