
Son Goku is a fictional character and main protagonist of the Dragon Ball manga series created by Akira Toriyama. He is based on Sun Wukong, a main character in the classic Chinese novel Journey to the West, combined with influences from the Hong Kong martial arts films of Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee. Goku first made his debut in the first Dragon Ball chapter, Bulma and Son Goku, originally published in Japan's Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine on December 3, 1984. Born Kakarot, Goku is introduced as an eccentric, monkey-tailed boy who practices martial arts and possesses superhuman strength. He meets Bulma and joins her on a journey to find the magical seven Dragon Balls that can grant the user one wish. Along the way, he finds new friends who follow him on his journey to become a stronger fighter. As Goku grows up, he becomes the Earth's mightiest warrior and battles a wide variety of villains with the help of his friends and family, while also gaining new allies in the process.

First appearance Dragon Ball chapter #1 Bulma and Son Goku: December 3, 1984 (Weekly Shōnen Jump No. 51, 1984)
Created by Akira Toriyama
Portrayed by Justin Chatwin, (Dragonball Evolution)
Voiced by Japanese, Masako Nozawa, English, See Voice actors
Aliases Kakarot (birth name) (Kakarrot in ViZ translations)
Species Saiyan
Gender Male
Occupation Martial artist, Radish farmer
Family Grandpa Gohan (adoptive grandfather), Bardock (father), Gine (mother), Raditz (elder brother)
Spouse(s) Chi-Chi
Children Gohan, Goten
Relatives Ox-King (father-in-law), Videl (daughter-in-law), Pan (grandchild), Goku Jr (descendant, Dragon Ball GT)

О Тейлор Goku

Main protagonist of Акира Ториыама's famed Драгон Балл and Драгон Балл З manga/anime series. He is a martial artist from the planet Vegeta who bears superhuman strength and abilities. As he trains he becomes Earth's greatest warrior and tasked time and time again to save the planet.

Достижении Goku

In early 2020, he starred in the hit video game Драгон Балл З: Kakarot. The game is an RPG with open world travel and combat reminiscent to popular fighting games.

Топ-факты о Goku, которые вы не знали

Anime and manga characters who can teleport.. Adoptee characters in anime and manga.. Dragon Ball characters.. Fictional stick-fighters.. Anime and manga characters who can move at superhuman speeds.. Child characters in anime and manga.. Anime and manga characters with superhuman strength.. Fictional characters who can change size.. Orphan characters in anime and manga.. Fictional farmers.. Male characters in anime and manga.. Science fiction film characters.. Extraterrestrial superheroes.

Последняя информация о Goku обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.