Adventure Time is an American fantasy animated television series created by Pendleton Ward for Cartoon Network. Produced by Pendleton Ward, Adam Muto and Fred Seibert for Frederator Studios and Cartoon Network Studios, the series follows the adventures of a boy named Finn and his best friend and adoptive brother Jake—a dog with the magical power to change size and shape at will. Finn and Jake live in the post-apocalyptic Land of Ooo, where they interact with Princess Bubblegum, the Ice King, Marceline, BMO, and others. The series is based on a 2007 short produced for Seibert's animation incubator series Random! Cartoons at Nickelodeon Animation and aired on Nicktoons. After the short became a viral hit on the Internet, Nickelodeon's executives passed on its option before Cartoon Network commissioned a full-length series from Seibert and Ward, which previewed on March 11, 2010. The show premiered on Cartoon Network on April 5, 2010 and ended on September 3, 2018.
Genre | Science fantasy, Adventure, Surreal comedy, Coming of age, Comedy-drama |
Created by | Pendleton Ward |
Directed by | Larry Leichliter, Lindsey Pollard (animation) |
Creative director(s) | Patrick McHale, Cole Sanchez, Adam Muto, Nate Cash |
Voices of | Jeremy Shada, John DiMaggio, Hynden Walch, Niki Yang, Tom Kenny, Olivia Olson, Pendleton Ward, Polly Lou Livingston, Jessica DiCicco |
Opening theme | "Adventure Time" (performed by Pendleton Ward) |
Ending theme | "The Island Song" (performed by Ashley Eriksson) |
Composer(s) | Casey James Basichis, Tim Kiefer |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 10 |
No. of episodes | 283 |
Executive producer(s) | Fred Seibert, Derek Drymon, Curtis Lelash, Jennifer Pelphrey, Brian A. Miller, Rob Sorcher, Pendleton Ward, Adam Muto |
Producer(s) | Keith Mack, Kelly Crews (also supervising), Nick Jennings (supervising), Pendleton Ward (co, S1-2) |
Running time | 11 minutes, 6 minutes (pilot) |
Production company(s) | Frederator Studios, Cartoon Network Studios |
Distributor | Warner Bros. Television Distribution, WarnerMedia Entertainment (specials) |
Original network | Cartoon Network, HBO Max (specials) |
Picture format | 480i SDTV (pilot only), 1080i HDTV |
First shown in | January 11, 2007 (Nicktoons, pilot) |
Preceded by | Random! Cartoons |
Netflix ID | 70241425 |
О Тейлор Adventure Time
A human and a dog defend the Land of Ooo from the forces of evil. The series was created by Pendleton Ward.
Достижении Adventure Time
The show won its first Primetime Emmy Award in 2013 for Outstanding Individual Achievement in Animation. The show won its first Annie Award in 2014 for Outstanding Achievement, Voice Acting in an Animated TV/Broadcast Production.
Топ-факты о Adventure Time, которые вы не знали
Adventure Time Category.. Cartoon Network Studios superheroes.. Frederator Studios.. Wizards in television.. Boom! Studios titles.. Post-apocalyptic television series.. Annie Award winners.. 2010s American animated television series.
Последняя информация о Adventure Time обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.