American Horror Story: Murder House is the first season of the FX horror anthology television series American Horror Story, created by Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk. It aired between October 5 and December 21, 2011. The season was produced by 20th Century Fox Television, and the executive producers were Dante Di Loreto and series creators Murphy and Falchuk. It centers on the Harmon family: Dr. Ben Harmon, Vivien and their daughter Violet, who move from Boston to Los Angeles after Vivien has a miscarriage and Ben has an affair. They move into a restored mansion, unaware that the house is haunted by the ghosts of its former residents and their victims. The first season of American Horror Story received generally positive reviews from critics. The series drew consistently high ratings for the FX network, ending its first season as the biggest new cable series of the year.
Starring | Connie Britton, Dylan McDermott, Evan Peters, Taissa Farmiga, Denis O'Hare, Jessica Lange |
Country of origin | United States |
No. of episodes | 12 |
Original network | FX |
О Тейлор American Horror Story: Murder House
The first season of this anthology series sees a family move into a haunted house. The show was created by Рыан Мурпхы.
Достижении American Horror Story: Murder House
Йессица Ланге won an Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Miniseries or Movie for her role in the series.
Топ-факты о American Horror Story: Murder House, которые вы не знали
Abortion in fiction.. Down syndrome in television.. Fictional depictions of the Antichrist.. Mythology in popular culture.. Family in fiction.. Television shows set in Boston.. Mariticide in fiction.. Television series set in the 1920s.. Adultery in television.. Television series set in the 1990s.. Television series set in the 1940s.. Television series set in the 1980s.. Television series set in the 1960s.. Mass murder in fiction.. Television series set in the 2010s.. Ghosts in television.. Television series about dysfunctional families.. The Devil in fiction.
Последняя информация о American Horror Story: Murder House обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.