Baking Impossible is an American cooking competition television series that airs on Netflix, themed around baking and engineering. Each episode presents a cast of contestants with a challenge that combines baking with engineering, often described using the portmanteau "bakineering". The first season of the series officially premiered on October 6, 2021, with judges Andrew Smyth, Joanne Chang, and Hakeem Oluseyi. The show is presented by host Justin Willman.
Genre | Food reality television |
Presented by | Justin Willman |
Judges | Andrew Smyth, Joanne Chang, Hakeem Oluseyi |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 1 |
No. of episodes | 8 |
Running time | 44 minutes |
Original network | Netflix |
О Тейлор Baking Impossible
Reality cooking competition based around the concepts of baking and engineering. Two person teams set out to bake creations that are both delicious and made to survive intense engineering stress tests.
Достижении Baking Impossible
Contestants compete for a grand prize of $100,000. The pilot is titled, "Whatever Floats Your Boat."
Топ-факты о Baking Impossible, которые вы не знали
Food reality television series.
Последняя информация о Baking Impossible обновлена 15 Март, 2022.