О Тейлор Beauty & the Beast
Detective Catherine Chandler investigates a murder, leading her to discover a man named Dr. Vincent Keller who was thought to have been killed in 2002. The man suffers from a condition which forces him to become a monster.
Достижении Beauty & the Beast
The program was nominated for several People's Choice, Teen Choice, and Saturn Awards during its 4 year run. The show consists of 70 episodes in total.
Топ-факты о Beauty & the Beast, которые вы не знали
Beauty The ascription of a property or characteristic to a person, object, animal, place or idea.... Mathematical beauty The aesthetic pleasure typically derived from the abstractness, purity, simplicity, depth or.... Beauty Gonzalez A Spanish-Filipino actress from Dumaguete City.
Последняя информация о Beauty & the Beast обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.