Cake Boss is an American reality television series, airing on the cable television network TLC. The show follows the operations of Carlo's Bake Shop, an Italian-American family-owned business in Hoboken, New Jersey owned and operated by siblings Buddy Valastro, Lisa Valastro, Maddalena Castano, Grace Faugno and Mary Sciarrone. The show focuses on how they make their edible art cakes, and the interpersonal relationships among the various family members and other employees who work at the shop. The series premiered on April 19, 2009, and has spawned four spin-offs: Next Great Baker, Kitchen Boss, Bake You Rich, and Bakery Boss. On January 26, 2015, Cake Boss was renewed for two additional seasons. New episodes returned in May 2019 with the show moving to TLC's sister network, Discovery Family.
Genre | Reality |
Presented by | Buddy Valastro |
Opening theme | "Sugar, Sugar" |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 10 |
No. of episodes | 236 |
Executive producer(s) | Scott Feeley, Jim Berger, Buddy Valastro, Art Edwards |
Producer(s) | Laney McVicker, Casey Bauer |
Editor(s) | David T McCurley, Patrick Bryant, Christopher Schultz, David Miers, Stacey Martins |
Running time | 22 minutes, special 42 minutes |
Production company(s) | High Noon Entertainment, Cakehouse Media |
Original network | TLC (2009–2017), Discovery Family (2019-), Food Network (2019-) |
Picture format | 480i (SDTV), 1080i (HDTV) |
Related shows | Next Great Baker, Kitchen Boss, Bake You Rich, Bakery Boss |
О Тейлор Cake Boss
This show follows Будды Валастро and his employees at Carlo's Bakery in Hoboken, New Jersey. The show spawned a spin-off competition series hosted by Valastro called Нехт Греат Бакер.
Достижении Cake Boss
Будды Валастро also wrote a book based on the series entitled Cake Boss: Stories and Recipes from Mia Famiglia which was published by Atria Books in 2010.
Топ-факты о Cake Boss, которые вы не знали
Cake Boss Category.. Ace of Cakes – similar program on Food Network.. Food Network Challenge – series where Buddy Valastro was a frequent contestant.. Batalha dos Confeiteiros – Brazilian series where Buddy Valastro is host.. Media about cakes.. Television shows set in New Jersey.