О Тейлор Deadtime Stories

While taking care of some extremely rowdy kids, their baby-sitter decides to tell them the scary "Deadtime stories" in hopes of calming them down. This television series stared actress Йеннифер СтонеПипер РеесеЙенна ОртегаАиден ЛещандощскиГраце КауфманЙадон Санд and Кылие Рогерс. The show first premiered in November 2012.

Достижении Deadtime Stories

This show was based on the 1986 film titled Deadtime Stories. The show only aired 11 episodes before being cancelled in 2014.

Топ-факты о Deadtime Stories, которые вы не знали

Deadtime Stories (TV series) An American anthology horror-fantasy television series written by Annette Cascone and based on.... Deadtime Stories (film) A 1986 American anthology horror film directed by Jeffrey Delman.

Последняя информация о Deadtime Stories обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.