О Тейлор Elementary

Procedural drama adapted as a contemporary update of the works of Сир Артхур Цонан Доыле and his characters of Схерлоцк Холмес (Йонны Лее Миллер) and Dr. Watson (Луцы Лиу).

Достижении Elementary

Луцы Лиу won a 2013 Теен Цхоице Ащард for Choice TV Actress: Action. She would be nominated for Favorite TV Crime Drama Actress at the People's Choice Awards in three consecutive years from 2015 to 2017. 

Топ-факты о Elementary, которые вы не знали

Elementary (TV series) An American procedural drama television series that presents a contemporary update of Sir Arthur.... Elementary particle A subatomic particle with no substructure, i.e. it is not composed of other particles.. Elementary charge The electric charge carried by a single proton or, equivalently, the magnitude of the negative...

Последняя информация о Elementary обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.