Impractical Jokers is an American hidden camera reality show with improvisational elements. Produced by NorthSouth Productions, Impractical Jokers premiered on truTV on December 15, 2011 starring the four members of The Tenderloins: Joe Gatto, James "Murr" Murray, Brian "Q" Quinn and Sal Vulcano. It also occasionally airs on TBS. Impractical Jokers' ninth season premiered on February 4, 2021. The series has been renewed for a 26-episode tenth season. A feature-length film began production in April 2018 and was theatrically released on February 21, 2020.
Genre | Reality, Hidden camera, Cringe comedy, Black comedy |
Directed by | Peter Fowkes, P. J. Morrison, Andrew Hood |
Starring | Brian "Q" Quinn, James "Murr" Murray, Sal Vulcano, Joe Gatto |
Narrated by | Drew Patterson, Bill St. James, Erik Falcon |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 9 |
No. of episodes | 212 (+ 35 specials) |
Executive producer(s) | Charlie DeBevoise, Mark Hickman, Brian Quinn, James Murray, Joe Gatto, Sal Vulcano, Pete McPartland, Simmy Kustanowitz |
Location(s) | New York City |
Camera setup | Hidden camera |
Running time | 19–21 minutes (seasons 1–5), 23–24 minutes (seasons 6–8), 40 minutes ("Live Punishment Special"), 82 minutes (season 5 finale), 47 minutes ("Universal Appeal"), 48 minutes ("Paradise Lost"), 49 minutes (season 6 finale) |
Production company(s) | NorthSouth Productions |
Original network | truTV |
Picture format | 480i (season 1), 1080i (season 2–present) |
Related shows | Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes, Impractical Jokers: After Party, The Misery Index |
Netflix ID | 70251818 |
О Тейлор Impractical Jokers
Real-life best friends try to one up each other when it comes to dares and stunts. The four stars of the show are members of a comedy troupe called The Tenderloins.
Достижении Impractical Jokers
The show has spawned multiple spin-offs in the United States and a series of international adaptations including ones in countries like Belgium, Brazil, and Mexico.
Последняя информация о Impractical Jokers обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.