In Plain Sight is an American crime drama television series that premiered on the USA Network on June 1, 2008. The series revolves around Mary Shannon, a Deputy United States Marshal attached to the Albuquerque, NM, office of the Federal Witness Security Program, more commonly known as the Federal Witness Protection Program. Shannon must find ways to balance her professional life of protecting witnesses, her professional relationship with her work partner, US Marshal Marshall Mann, and her problematic personal life. The show was filmed on location in Albuquerque, New Mexico. On May 4, 2012, In Plain Sight concluded with its fifth season.
Created by | David Maples |
Starring | Mary McCormack, Fred Weller, Nichole Hiltz, Todd Williams, Lesley Ann Warren, Paul Ben-Victor, Cristián de la Fuente, Rachel Boston |
Theme music composer | Jeff Beal |
Composer(s) | W. G. Snuffy Walden, Tree Adams, Liz Phair, Evan Frankfort, Marc Dauer |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 5 |
No. of episodes | 61 |
Executive producer(s) | David Maples, John McNamara, Paul Stupin, Dan Lerner, Natalie Chaidez, Ed Decter, John J. Strauss, John Romano, Mary McCormack |
Producer(s) | Oscar Luis Costo, David Maples, Clara George, David Slack, Craig McNeil, Mary McCormack, Karen Moore, Mark Piznarski (pilot only), John Cockrell |
Location(s) | Albuquerque, New Mexico |
Cinematography | John B. Aronson, Jim DeNault, David Wagerich |
Editor(s) | Bonnie Koehler, John Bael, Jennifer Pulver, Mitchell Danton, Chris Peppe, Lori Jane Coleman, Nancy Morrison, Debby Germino, Scott K. Wallace, Sarah Boyd, Regis Kimble, Shoshanah Tanzer |
Running time | 45–48 minutes |
Production company(s) | Pirates' Cove Entertainment, (2008-2009), (seasons 1-2), Tiny Clambake Productions, (2009), (season 2), Universal Media Studios, (2008), (season 1), McNamara Paper Products, (2010), (season 3), Frontier Pictures, (2011-2012), (seasons 4-5), Universal Cable Productions, (2008-2012), (seasons 1-5) |
Distributor | NBCUniversal Television Distribution |
Original network | USA Network |
О Тейлор In Plain Sight
Drama series about a Deputy United States Marshal who works for the Federal Witness Protection Program. The series focuses on her role protecting witnesses and her problematic personal life.
Достижении In Plain Sight
The show was filmed on location in Albuquerque.
Топ-факты о In Plain Sight, которые вы не знали
Television shows filmed in New Mexico.. Works about witness protection.. Television shows set in New Mexico.
Последняя информация о In Plain Sight обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.