Jupiter's Legacy is an American superhero comic book series, first published in 2013, written by Mark Millar, drawn by Frank Quitely, colored and lettered by Peter Doherty and published by Image Comics. Published as a series of eponymous limited series and interstitial prequel limited series, it is to date the longest series that Millar has published as part of his Millarworld line of creator-owned comics, spanning an issue run three times as long as his then-most recent series, Super Crooks and Nemesis. It is also the first collaboration between Millar and Quitely since their work on The Authority in 2001, and Quitely's first long-form work with a writer other than Grant Morrison.
Publisher | Image Comics |
Schedule | Irregular |
Format | Limited series |
Genre | Superhero |
Publication date | April 64px |
Number of issues | 10 |
Writer(s) | Mark Millar |
Artist(s) | Frank Quitely |
Letterer(s) | Peter Doherty |
Colorist(s) | Peter Doherty |
Volume 1 | ISBN 1632153106 |
О Тейлор Jupiter's Legacy
The children of superheros struggle with living in their legendary parents' shadows. The original Netflix series was created by Steven S. DeKnight. The show landed on Netflix's top 10 the weekend of its release.
Достижении Jupiter's Legacy
The series is based on Марк Миллар and Frank Quitely's comic book Jupiter's Legacy. The first season consisted of 8 episodes.
Топ-факты о Jupiter's Legacy, которые вы не знали
Comics by Mark Millar.. Image Comics limited series.
Последняя информация о Jupiter's Legacy обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.