Lopez vs. Lopez is an American sitcom television series created by George Lopez, Mayan Lopez and Debby Wolfe that premiered on NBC on November 4, 2022. Wolfe also serves as showrunner and is executive producer. It stars George Lopez and his daughter Mayan Lopez as themselves along with Matt Shively, Brice Gonzalez, and Selenis Leyva.

Genre Sitcom
Created by George Lopez, Mayan Lopez, Debby Wolfe
Starring George Lopez, Mayan Lopez, Matt Shively, Brice Gonzalez, Selenis Leyva
Composer(s) Raney Shockne
Country of origin United States
Original language(s) English
No. of seasons 1
No. of episodes 2
Executive producer(s) Debby Wolfe, Bruce Helford, George Lopez, Michael Rotenberg, Katie Newman
Producer(s) Mayan Lopez, Suzy Mamann-Greenberg
Camera setup Multi-camera
Production company(s) Mi Vida Loba, Mohawk Productions, Travieso Productions, 3 Arts Entertainment, Universal Television
Original network NBC
Picture format HDTV 1080i

О Тейлор Lopez vs Lopez

A once-estranged father and daughter, navigate dysfunction, reconnection and all the headaches and joy in between as they make up for lost time like only they can in this comedy series. It was co-created by Георге Лопез and Маыан Лопез.

Достижении Lopez vs Lopez

Debby Wolfe served as the showrunner. The show's pilot episode was directed by Kelly Park. 

Топ-факты о Lopez vs Lopez, которые вы не знали

Television series about families.

Последняя информация о Lopez vs Lopez обновлена 11 Ноябрь, 2022.