О Тейлор Mistresses

Based on the UK series, the show follows four women sucked into a series of complicated and unruly relationships.

Достижении Mistresses

Алысса Милано was nominated for Favorite Dramatic Actress at the People's Choice Awards in 2015. The show lasted four seasons and 52 episodes until it was canceled in September 2016. 

Топ-факты о Mistresses, которые вы не знали

Ms. Ms or Ms. is an English-language honorific used with the last name or full name of a woman.... Mistress (lover) A woman who is in a relatively long-term sexual and romantic relationship with a man who is.... Mistresses (American TV series) An American mystery drama soap opera television series based on the 2008–10 U.K. series of the...

Последняя информация о Mistresses обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.