
Songland is an American songwriting competition series on NBC that premiered in May 2019. The show, produced in cooperation with the Universal Television Alternative Studio, 222 Productions, Live Animals Productions and Dave Stewart, sets out to give undiscovered songwriters a chance to create a hit. It gives the viewers a look at the creative process in action. Contestants are selected to work with producers and a recording artist to release a song. The show tries to elevate the traditional role of the songwriter in the process of creating music from "unpleasant secret" to being the celebrated "magic ingredient". Stewart, a musician and composer formerly of Eurythmics, conceived Songland. The show premiered in May 2019, with three producer-hosts: producer and songwriter Ester Dean; producer and lead singer of OneRepublic Ryan Tedder; and songwriter Shane McAnally. In September 2019, the series was renewed, and season two premiered in April 2020.

Created by David A. Stewart
Directed by Ivan Dudynsky
Starring Ester Dean, Shane McAnally, Ryan Tedder
Composer(s) Jared Gutstadt
Country of origin United States
Original language(s) English
No. of seasons 2
No. of episodes 21
Executive producer(s) Audrey Morrissey, Ivan Dudynsky, Adam Levine, Dave Stewart, Chad Hines
Production company(s) Universal Television Alternative Studio, 222 Productions, Live Animals Productions, Dave Stewart Entertainment
Original network NBC
Picture format 1080i (HDTV)

О Тейлор Songland

Weekly competition series where music producers team up with songwriters to create the next big hit to be recorded by a guest performing artist. The show was produced by the starring producers Рыан ТеддерЕстер Деан and Схане МцАналлы.

Достижении Songland

It was executive produced by Emmy Award-winning producer Audrey Morrissey, Адам Левине and three others. Йохн Легенд was the first musical guest of the series. 

Топ-факты о Songland, которые вы не знали

Music competitions in the United States.

Последняя информация о Songland обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.