The Dragon Prince

The Dragon Prince is an American fantasy computer-animated streaming television series created for Netflix by Aaron Ehasz and Justin Richmond, produced by Wonderstorm and animated by Bardel Entertainment. The series follows the story of the prince half-brothers Callum and Ezran and the elf Rayla, who, as they take care of the infant dragon prince Azymondias, must end the thousand-year-old conflict between the human kingdoms and the magical creatures of the land of Xadia. The first season premiered on September 14, 2018. Season 2 followed in February 15 2019, and Season 3 in November 22 2019. The series has been renewed for four additional seasons, each with nine episodes. A video game set in the same world as the series is in development.

Genre Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Comedy-drama
Created by Aaron Ehasz, Justin Richmond
Written by Aaron Ehasz, Justin Richmond, Devon Giehl, Iain Hendry, Neil Mukhopadhyay
Directed by Villads Spangsberg, Giancarlo Volpe
Voices of Jack DeSena, Paula Burrows, Sasha Rojen, Racquel Belmonte, Jesse Inocalla, Jason Simpson
Composer(s) Frederik Wiedmann
Country of origin United States
Original language(s) English
No. of seasons 3
No. of episodes 27
Executive producer(s) Aaron Ehasz, Justin Richmond, Justin Santistevan, Giancarlo Volpe, Delna Bhesania, Richard Grieve, Gigi Pritzker
Running time 24–33 minutes
Production company(s) Wonderstorm, MWM Studios
Distributor Netflix (North America), PGS Entertainment (International)
Original network Netflix
Picture format HDTV 1080p
Audio format Stereo
Netflix ID 80212245

О Тейлор The Dragon Prince

Two human princes forge an unlikely bond with the elfin assassin sent to kill them in order to bring peace to their warring lands.

Достижении The Dragon Prince

The creators of the series are Aaron Ehasz and Justin Richmond. The series premiere for the show was the same date as Hulu's Тхе Фирст.

Топ-факты о The Dragon Prince, которые вы не знали

High fantasy television series.. Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Animated Program winners.. 2010s American animated television series.

Последняя информация о The Dragon Prince обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.