The Prancing Elites Project is an American reality television series that premiered on April 22, 2015, on Oxygen. Announced in September 2014, the series follows a five-member dance team as they juggle their personal and professional lives in Mobile, Alabama. The cast members include Adrian Clemons, Kentrell Collins, Kareem Davis, Jerel Maddox and Tim Smith. The dance team is described by the network as "the African American, gay and gender non-conforming." The show was subsequently renewed for a second season, which premiered on January 19, 2016. However, the show has been canceled and will not return after the summer of 2017 according to Oxygen TV.

Genre Reality television
Starring Adrian Clemons, Kentrell Collins, Kareem Davis, Jerel Maddox, Tim Smith
Country of origin United States
Original language(s) English
No. of seasons 2
No. of episodes 22
Executive producer(s) Tom Cappello, Alana Goldstein
Running time 42 minutes
Production company(s) Crazy Legs Productions
Original network Oxygen

О Тейлор The Prancing Elites Project

Reality series that follows the lives of an all male dance team in Mobile, Alabama.

Достижении The Prancing Elites Project

It was produced by Crazy Legs Productions. The show was cancelled before its third season.

Топ-факты о The Prancing Elites Project, которые вы не знали

J-Setting - J-Setting is a style of dance popularized by the Prancing J-Settes, a popular collegiate women's danceline of Jackson State University's Sonic Boom of the South marching band. It originated in the late 1970s from African-Americans in the Jackson, Mississippi, area of the United States.. Television shows set in Alabama.. LGBT African-American culture.

Последняя информация о The Prancing Elites Project обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.