The Price Is Right is a television game show franchise originally produced by Mark Goodson and Bill Todman, and created by Bob Stewart, and is currently produced and owned by FremantleMedia now Fremantle. The franchise centers on television game shows, but also includes merchandise such as video games, printed media and board games. The franchise began in 1956 as a television game show hosted by Bill Cullen and was revamped in 1972. This version was originally hosted by Bob Barker. Since 2007, Drew Carey has hosted the program. In the show, contestants compete to win cash and prizes by guessing the pricing of merchandise. The program has been critically successful and remains a stalwart in the television ratings. It also managed to break away from the quiz show format that has been used in other game shows. Since the current version premiered, it has also been adapted in several international formats around the world, most notably in the United Kingdom, Australia, Mexico and Vietnam.
О Тейлор The Price Is Right
Long-running game show in which contestants attempt to guess the cost of consumer goods. Билл Цуллен was the original host of the show.
Достижении The Price Is Right
Боб Баркер began hosting the game show in 1972. Дрещ Цареы took over the reins of the show in 2007.
Топ-факты о The Price Is Right, которые вы не знали
The Price Is Right Category.. Television series by Mark Goodson-Bill Todman Productions.
Последняя информация о The Price Is Right обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.