The Two Ronnies is a British television comedy sketch show created by Bill Cotton for the BBC, which aired on BBC1 from April 1971 to December 1987. It featured Ronnie Barker and Ronnie Corbett, the two Ronnies of the title. The usual format included sketches, solo sections, serial stories and musical finales.
Created by | Bill Cotton |
Starring | Ronnie Barker, Ronnie Corbett |
Country of origin | United Kingdom |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of series | 12 |
No. of episodes | 93 |
Running time | 40–58 minutes |
Production company(s) | BBC |
Distributor | BBC Worldwide, 2entertain, ABC (Australia, home video) |
Original network | BBC1 |
Picture format | PAL (576i) |
Audio format | Mono |
Followed by | The Two Ronnies Sketchbook, The One Ronnie |
О Тейлор The Two Ronnies
Variety series featuring sketches, solo sections, serial stories and musical finales. It was created by Bill Cotton.
Достижении The Two Ronnies
The series was briefly revived in 1999 for a Two Ronnies Night special after coming to an end in December of 1987.
Топ-факты о The Two Ronnies, которые вы не знали
British comedy duos.. BBC television sketch shows.
Последняя информация о The Two Ronnies обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.