Titletown High is a Netflix reality show that explores the lives of teens at Valdosta High School in Valdosta, Georgia as they strive for a balance between athletics, academics, and relationships. It focuses on the members of the school's Valdosta Wildcats football team during the 2020 season, their first under the leadership of head coach Rush Propst. The show became available to stream on August 27, 2021.
Genre | Reality television |
Starring | Samuel Brown, Jake Garcia, Lenley Gross, Kendall Haden, Amari Jones, Grayson Leavy, Jeff Kent, Morgan Miller, Jacarrius Peak, Rush Propst |
Country of origin | United States |
No. of seasons | 1 |
No. of episodes | 8 |
Executive producer(s) | Jason Sciavicco, Lamar Damon |
Cinematography | Eric Dodson |
Running time | 30 to 36 minutes |
Original network | Netflix |
О Тейлор Titletown High
Documentary series following the Valdosta Wildcats football players during the 2020 season. Their eyes are set on the championship under the guidance of head coach Rush Propst.
Достижении Titletown High
The show's debut season consisted of eight episodes in total. The pilot is titled "Are We Official?"
Топ-факты о Titletown High, которые вы не знали
Two-A-Days - Two-A-Days is an MTV reality show that chronicled the lives of teens at Hoover High School in Hoover, Alabama, a suburb of nearby Birmingham.
Последняя информация о Titletown High обновлена 03 Сентябрь, 2021.