Unfabulous is an American teen sitcom that aired on Nickelodeon. The series is about an "unfabulous" middle schooler named Addie Singer, played by Emma Roberts. The show, which premiered on September 12, 2004, was one of the most-watched programs in the U.S. among children between the ages of 10 and 16. It was created by Sue Rose, who previously created two animated series Pepper Ann and Angela Anaconda, and co-created the character Fido Dido with Joanna Ferrone. The series ended on December 16, 2007, with the third season being the last. Most of the episodes are narrated by Addie, and are told in flashbacks. The show's theme song is performed by Jill Sobule, who also wrote the songs performed throughout the show.
Genre | Teen sitcom |
Created by | Sue Rose |
Starring | Emma Roberts, Malese Jow, Jordan Calloway, Tadhg Kelly, Molly Hagan, Markus Flanagan, Emma Degerstedt, Chelsea Tavares |
Theme music composer | Jill Sobule |
Opening theme | "Unfabulous" performed by Jill Sobule |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 3 |
No. of episodes | 41 |
Executive producer(s) | Sue Rose |
Camera setup | Film, Single-camera |
Running time | 30 minutes |
Production company(s) | Nickelodeon Productions |
Original network | Nickelodeon |
О Тейлор Unfabulous
A teenager who writes music and sings makes her way through school. The show ran for three seasons and aired a total of 41 episodes.
Достижении Unfabulous
Цартер Йенкинс and Miracle Vincent have both guest starred on the show. The series was nominated for two Kids' Choice Awards during its run.
Топ-факты о Unfabulous, которые вы не знали
Television shows set in Pennsylvania.. Middle school television series.. Television series created by Sue Rose.. 2000s American children's television series.