Lucas the Spider

Lucas the Spider is an animated character created by animator Joshua Slice, named after and voiced by his nephew. Lucas is based on a jumping spider and has starred in multiple short YouTube videos between 2017 and 2019. The first Lucas the Spider video was uploaded on November 5, 2017. Lucas was met with a highly positive reception for his gentle and warm-hearted nature. In 2018, a plushie of Lucas the Spider was released for sale online. In May 2018, the series was acquired by Canadian production company Fresh TV.In December 2018, Lucas the Spider appeared in YouTube Rewind 2018. 2020 saw no new YouTube episodes. In various replies within posts to comments on his Instagram, Slice has stated that they "haven't posted any new content for a while because the team is hard at work on the TV show! ". A short upload on YouTube on July 29, 2021 announced upcoming episodes on the Cartoonito programming block on Cartoon Network.

Created by Joshua Slice
Voiced by Lucas Slice
Species Jumping Spider
Gender Male
Official Website

О Тейлор Lucas the Spider

Computer-animated web series starring the titular jumping spider. His YouTube videos ran from 2017-2019 and in 2021 it was announced that new episodes would air on the Cartoonito programming block on Cartoon Network.

Достижении Lucas the Spider

In 2018, a plushie doll of the character was made available for purchase online. 

Топ-факты о Lucas the Spider, которые вы не знали

Television series about spiders.. Fictional spiders.

Последняя информация о Lucas the Spider обновлена 13 Апрель, 2022.