Squaresville is an American comedy web series created by Matt Enlow. The series follows best friends Esther and Zelda as they deal with life in their suburban town, one adventure at a time. It premiered on YouTube on March 16, 2012. The series was financed by a Kickstarter campaign that successfully raised $12,000 from 196 backers to complete production of its first season. In 2012, Squaresville joined the Big Frame YouTube network. On February 1, 2013, Squaresville launched its second season.

Genre Comedy
Created by Matt Enlow
Written by Matt Enlow
Directed by Matt Enlow
Starring Mary Kate Wiles, Kylie Sparks, Austin Rogers, Tiffany Ariany, David Ryan Speer, Christine Weatherup
Country of origin United States
Original language(s) English
Executive producer(s) Christine Weatherup
Location(s) Los Angeles, California
Running time 2-8 minutes
Original network YouTube

О Тейлор Squaresville

Best friends in a suburban town live one adventure at a time in this Kickstarter-financed comedy series from Matt Enlow. Enlow created the show and would also serve as a writer and director.

Достижении Squaresville

The series was signed by the multi-channel network Big Frame in 2012. In 2013, it won International Academy of Web Television Awards for Best Comedy Web Series, Best Ensemble Performance, and Best Writing (Comedy).

Последняя информация о Squaresville обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.