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Hetty Feather

11 May, 2015
Hetty Feather

Hetty Feather is a book by best-selling author Jacqueline Wilson. It is about a young girl who is abandoned by her mother at the Foundling Hospital as a baby and follows her story as she lives in a foster home before returning to the Foundling Hospital as a curious 5-year-old. There are more books to the "series" of Hetty Feather, these are recommended for ages 11–15, according to the author.CBBC created a TV series based on the book, with Isabel Clifton portraying Hetty. The programme was first aired in 2015. In the United States BYUtv has the US broadcast rights and began airing it in March 2018. The book is followed by Sapphire Battersea.

Author Jacqueline Wilson
插畫家 Nick Sharratt
Followed by Sapphire Battersea

關於Hetty Feather

A young orphan in 1887 London is forced to return to the foundling hospital where she was abandoned as a baby. The show is based on the book of the same name by Jacqueline Wilson.

Hetty Feather的成就

The series was created by Helen Blakeman. Trixiebelle Harrowell appeared in the first season of the show, but left after that season. 

您不知道JHetty Feather的熱門事實

Circus books.. Novels set in Victorian England.. Hetty Feather novels.. Novels set in the 19th century.. Children's historical novels.. English novels.. Novels set in London.. British children's novels.

關於Hetty Feather的最新信息於2021年7月28日更新.