So Awkward is a sitcom series on CBBC following the lives of a group of friends in secondary school. It stars Cleo Demetriou as Lily Hampton, Ameerah Falzon-Ojo and Emily Burnett as Jas Salford, Sophia Dall'aglio as Martha Fitzgerald and Archie Lyndhurst as Ollie Coulton. The thirteen-episode first series began on 21 May 2015, and finished on 6 August 2015. Another thirteen-episode series began on 25 August 2016 and ended on 17 November 2016, followed by a thirteen-episode third series, which began on 31 August 2017, and ended on 23 November 2017. A fourth series, fifth and sixth series were ordered in early 2018, 2019, 2020, Series 4 started airing in August 2018 and Series 5 began airing September 2019, Series 6 began on 6 August 2020. However, each episode comes out early on BBC iPlayer. On 22 September 2020, Lyndhurst died of a brain haemorrhage, aged 19. He was the son of the Only Fools and Horses actor Nicholas Lyndhurst.
Genre | Sitcom |
Created by | Julie Bower |
Written by | Julie Bower, Mark Oswin, Bede Blake, Matt Brito, Anthony McMurray |
Directed by | Rebecca Rycroft, Jordan Hogg, Ian Curtis |
Starring | Cleo Demetriou, Sophia Dall'Aglio, Ameerah Falzon-Ojo, Jamie Flatters, Archie Lyndhurst, Carla Mendonça, Clive Rowe |
Composer(s) | Samuel Karl Bohn |
Country of origin | United Kingdom |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of series | 6 |
No. of episodes | 74 |
Executive producer(s) | Alan Marke, Jim Reid, Sue Nott, Chris Rose |
Producer(s) | Sally Martin |
Editor(s) | Justin James, Lindsey Dillon-Massey |
Running time | 28 minutes |
Production company(s) | Channel X |
Original network | CBBC (2015–present), CBBC HD (2013–present) |
Picture format | 16:9 1080i |
Audio format | Stereo |
關於So Awkward
This TV series follows the young lives of a trio of awkward friends as they make their way through high school. The show ran for three seasons and aired 39 episodes.
So Awkward的成就
The show won the UK Broadcast Award for Best Children's Programme in 2016.
您不知道JSo Awkward的熱門事實
Hilda (TV series) - A Netflix animated series starring Ameerah Falzon-Ojo and is joined by Bella Ramsey from another CBBC show, The Worst Witch (2017 TV series).. Television shows set in the United Kingdom.