La Academia is a Mexican reality musical talent show shown on Azteca, that premiered in June 2002 and is currently in its twelfth installment. Although the show itself is not affiliated with the Endemol franchise, which includes the "Star Academy" shows, it does share the competition format of many of the variants of the global franchise. Over the first seasons, the show was a reliable dominator of its time-slot, which was shown by its triumph over Televisa's Operación Triunfo Mexico, in several countries including Chile, Argentina, Peru and Venezuela. The rival show was only produced for one season, and was in fact the official Endemol entry in Mexico. The last seasons of La Academia had declining ratings, being aired against the Mexican version of The Voice, produced by Televisa, and it eventually ceased production in 2012.
Presented by | Alan Tacher (2002–2005), Ingrid Coronado (2009–2014), Fernando del Solar (2006, 2012), Monica Garza (2006), Rafael Araneda (2008–2011), Bibi Gaytán (2011), Adal Ramones (2018–present) |
Country of origin | Mexico |
No. of seasons | 12 |
Executive producer(s) | Giorgio Aresu (2002–2005), Eva Borja (2006–2008), Magda Rodriguez (2009–2011), Juan Navarrete (2011), Roberto Romagnoli (2012–2014), Ángel Aponte (2018–present) |
Running time | Varies between 2 hours and 3 hours |
Production company(s) | Azteca |
Distributor | Nostromo Producciones (2002–2005), Azteca (2006–present) |
Original network | Azteca 13 |
Giới thiệu về La Academia
Mexican reality talent series in which a large number of people live together in a house isolated from the rest of the world and take classes in the arts (singing, dancing, acting, etc.). They are tasked to prepare one or two songs for a 3-hour concert with each episode ending in a contestant being eliminated.
Thành tựu & Danh hiệu của La Academia
The show was not affiliated with the Endemol franchise, but shared the competition format of many of the variants of the global franchise. Over the course of the show, Alan Tacher, Ingrid Coronado, Rafael Araneda, Bibi Gaytán and Adal Ramones were among the many presenters.
Top sự thật mà bạn không biết về La Academia
La Academia Category.. La academia 5.. La academia USA.. Akademi Fantasia.. Academy Fantasia.. Akademi Fantasi Indosiar.. Desafio de Estrellas.. Television series by TV Azteca.