Prince Charming

Prince Charming is a fairy tale stock character who comes to the rescue of a damsel in distress and must engage in a quest to liberate her from an evil spell. This classification suits most heroes of a number of traditional folk tales, including "Snow White", "Sleeping Beauty", and "Cinderella", even if in the original story they were given another name, or no name at all. Often handsome and romantic, these characters are essentially interchangeable, serving as a foil to the heroine; in many variants, they can be viewed as a metaphor for a reward the heroine achieves for the decisions she makes. The prominence of the character type makes him an obvious target for revisionist fairy tales. "Prince Charming" is also used as a term to refer to the idealized man some people dream of as a future spouse.

О Тейлор Prince Charming

Stock fairy tale archetype who began appearing in traditional folktales to rescue the damsel in distress. He has appeared in a range of tales including those of Снощ Щхите анд тхе Севен ДщарфсСлеепинг БеаутыЦиндерелла, and Схрек 2.

Достижении Prince Charming

One of the earliest references to the character was in Цхарлес Перраулт's 1697 version of Слеепинг Беауты. He has made appearances in more modern fairy tales such as Инто тхе Щоодс and Онце Упон а Тиме

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Последняя информация о Prince Charming обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.