Big Rich Texas is an American reality television series on the Style Network that premiered on July 17, 2011. The show is filmed in the Dallas/Fort Worth area of Texas. The series follows five wealthy Texas women and their daughters. The first season of the show premiered on July 17, 2011 following a spin off from the show Dallas Divas and Daughters that originally aired in 2009 on Bravo TV and The Style Network. The second season debuted February 19, 2012 with new cast members: Deyanni, Amber and Shaye. In 2014 Season 4 was green lit and ready for production. The network negotiated bringing back Pamela Martin-Duarte and a new cast, with co star Bon Blossman and her daughter Whitney moving on to Whitney's Having a Baby. Subsequently Big Rich Texas season 4 was put on hold due to the decision by NBC Universal to replace the Style Network with Esquire Channel in order to increase their much needed programming for Men.
Genre | Reality |
Starring | Bonnie Blossman, Whitney Whatley, Connie Dieb, Pamela Martin, Hannah Duarte, Melissa Poe, Maddie Poe, Leslie Birkland, Kalyn Braun, DeAynni, (season 2-3), Amber and Shaye, (season 2-3), Cindy Davis, (season 3), Alex, (season 3), Wendy Walker, (season 3), Nikki, (season 3) |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 3 |
No. of episodes | 34 |
Executive producer(s) | Allison Grodner, Merah Chung, Rich Meehan, Sarah Weidman |
Running time | 40-43 minutes |
Production company(s) | Fly on the Wall Productions |
Original network | Style Network |
Related shows | Big Rich Atlanta |
О Тейлор Big Rich Texas
Explores mother and daughter relationships in the country clubs of Dallas, Texas. The final season of the show, season 3, concluded with a two-part reunion special.
Достижении Big Rich Texas
Season four was put on hold and eventually cancelled when NBC decided to cut Style Network for Esquire Channel.
Топ-факты о Big Rich Texas, которые вы не знали
Television shows set in Dallas.
Последняя информация о Big Rich Texas обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.