BookTube is a book-specific subset of the YouTube community. The BookTube community has, to date, reached hundreds of thousands of viewers worldwide. While the majority of BookTubers focus on Young Adult literature, many address other genres. BookTube videos also generally follow a set of formats, often drawing upon the wider "bookish" culture and lexicon. There is a distinct set of recognizable faces within BookTube as well as some content created by the publishing community. BookTube is often used to advertise new publications and is cited as a source of growth for the publishing industry.

О Тейлор BookTube

Monthly series created on the heels of the success of Мицхелле Обама's critically acclaimed "BookTube" special that drew in 1.5 million views. In the series, Obama would sit down with prominent authors and notable personalities to discuss their best-selling books.

Достижении BookTube

The show was one of several announced by YouTube at the May 2019 NewFronts presentation as part of their "Learning" initiative. Other series that were part of the initiative included Ретро ТецхЦоулд Ыоу Сурвиве тхе Мовиес?Схощ Ме Тхе Евиденце and Тхе Сцхоол оф Лифе.

Топ-факты о BookTube, которые вы не знали

YouTube.. Literary criticism.

Последняя информация о BookTube обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.